๐Ÿ”˜TBE: Cindex "DeFi Treasury Bill Enhancement"

Asset Composition:

This product offers users an on-chain gateway to RWA (US Treasury bills) via MakerDAO's SDAI. It comprises MakerDAO's SDAI(95%) and Lido's steth(5%), creating a balanced mix of stability and potential returns.


MakerDAO and Lido's earnings seamlessly integrate into the Cindex protocol. 80% of these earnings are reinvested into the product's net asset value, while the remaining 20%, along with other Cindex's protocol revenue, act as incentives for $exCIN token holders

  • SDAI(backed by U.S. Treasury bills): ~4%

  • ETH staking reward: ~4%

  • Cindex platform rewards ~3%:

    • Users participating in investment activities within Cindex receive $exCIN point rewards.

    • A share of protocol revenue and earnings from product assets are distributed to users as $exCIN points.

  • $exCIN represents a user's engagement in the Cindex platform and converts into $CIN at a specific ratio once the Cindex token ($CIN) is issued.

  • $exCIN tokenโ€™s revenue sharing from protocol revenue.

  • Partnerโ€™s token incentive

  • An annualized yield of about 8-12% could be expected.

Principal-protected Investment (Conditional):

With a strategic allocation of 95% in U.S. Treasury bills and 5% in ETH staking, this product assures a robust yield guarantee. Following a one-year holding period, users enjoy complete protection against volatility risks, providing a secure opportunity for principal protection alongside consistent returns.

The figure above demonstrates the projected returns for the Defi Treasury Bill Enhancement product based on Ethereum's price fluctuations and staking data since 2020. This estimation ensures that the product's net value will not experience any drawdowns over a one-year holding period.

Trading Rules:

T+0 feature:

Subscribers can freely join or exit the product without temporal or monetary constraints.

Stablecoin Investment:

Users can invest in the product using stablecoins like USDT, USDC, and DAI, providing a secure and stable entry point.

Last updated